Have You Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

Do you need a homing device to relocate your sex drive?  Nearly one third of American women actually “aren’t in the mood” and proclaim a headache coming on to cover up their lost desire.  We all know menopause can be a major factor and generally strikes women around age 51.  However, it’s not an excuse.  What many women don’t release is that active sex stimulates blood flow to all the right areas and a topical cream will help relieve the dryness that sometimes occurs and makes having sex painful.  So, the more you have and cream up, the more you won’t be saying no and enjoying.

It’s amazing how many times stress is a leading cause for whatever ails you.  When it comes to sex … well, that too.  We all know we can multi task with one hand tied behind our task.  Asking your partner to share in some tasks like bathing the kids, throwing in a load of wash at night or helping with dinner, will give you both time for enjoying each other.

Taking contraceptives so you can play without the fear of getting pregnant ironically can lower testosterone levelsenough to depress the desire.  Talk to your gynecologist about swapping brands. Birth control pills contain estrogen and various types of synthetic progesterone called progestin.  In some pills, the progestin behaves more like testosterone and can actually increase libido.

Keep a look out for the medications you may be popping.  Valium and Xanax can off kilter your sex drive while those taken for high blood pressure, migraines and antihistamines for colds and actually dry up the vagina. 
When it comes to sex or, the lack of, there’s always a reason around for what is ailing you to help you get back into the arms of the one you love.


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